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Data Logging Software Open Source

  1. Data Logging Software Open Source Code
  2. Data Logging Software Open Source Free

This is a list of free and open-source software for geological data handling and interpretation. The list is split into broad categories, depending on the intended use of the software and its scope of functionality.

Notice that 'free and open-source' requires that the source code is available. Simple being 'free of charge' is not sufficient—see gratis versus libre.

Well logging & Borehole visualisation[edit]

SGS-Geobase [1]Drilling data logger that can interface with SGS GenesisSGS Canada Inc.GPLWindows & Microsoft AccessMicrosoft Access VBAMicrosoft Access is not necessary, the free runtime is sufficient. Simple graphical interface, Integrity reinforcement, Reporting tools, Satellite Database, Database Validation, Assays QA/QC management with graphics.
LOGitEASYCloud-based field logging software, boring log software, geologic cross section softwarehttps://logiteasy.comFree/



Windows, Mac OS, iOS, AndroidPHP, JavaBased on USCS Soil Classification Standard, allows generating instant PDF boring logs and geologic cross sections from the data logged using the LOGitEASY eForm

Geosciences software platforms[edit]

GeoTriple for Oil&Gas ExplorationGeo-sciences Software platform (data management, display and process)Geoforge projectLGPLCross-platformJavaInterfaces with WorldWind and JFreeChart


This is a list of free and open-source software for geological data handling and interpretation. The list is split into broad categories, depending on the intended use of the software and its scope of functionality. Notice that 'free and open-source' requires that the source code is available. Feb 11, 2014  This paper describes the construction of an open source environmental data logger based on the Arduino platform and its integration with the web content management system Drupal which is used as the basis for Scratchpads (Smith et al. 2011) among other biodiversity tools. The Drupal platform uses familiar open source standards while the Arduino.

Gstat[3]Geostatistical modeling and simulationUtrecht UniversityGPLCross-platformC/C++Interfaces with GRASS
gslib[4]Geostatistical modeling and simulationStanford UniversityMITFortran 77
PyGSLIB[5]Python module for geostatistical modeling, designed for mineral resource estimationOpengeostat ConsultingMIT/GPLWindows, Linux and OSXFortran 95, Cython and PythonIt has functions for drillhole calculations, block modeling, wireframing and geostatistics with modified gslib code linked into python

Forward modeling[edit]

Virtual Geoscience Workbench[6]Finite-discrete element modelerJiansheng Xiang and othersLGPLWindowsC#, C++


GeoSyntax[7]Reservoir modelingCSIRO Australia - June HillCSIRO 'MIT/BSD' (academic)Microsoft WindowsJava
GeoBlock[8]Reservoir modelingPavel VassilievMPLMicrosoft WindowsEmbarcadero DelphiExact terms not clear
GeoTrace[9]Tracer modelingMuhammed CelikMicrosoft WindowsVisual BasicExact terms not clear
Albion[10]3D model reconstruction and visualisation from boreholes based on QGIS GIS PlatformOslandia[11] and ArevaGPLv2 or laterMicrosoft Windows and LinuxPython

Visualization, interpretation & analysis packages[edit]

Dapple[12]Virtual globe for geoscientistsGeosoft Inc.MITWindowsOriginated in NASA World Wind
Generic Mapping Tools[13]Map generation and analysisLamont-Doherty and University of HawaiiGPLCross-platformCImplemented in OpendTect
GPlates[14]Interactive visualization of plate tectonicsUniversity of Sydney, Caltech, NGUGPLCross-platformC++, PythonImplements GPML
OpenStereo[15]Geoscience plotting toolCarlos Grohmann, University of São PauloGPLCross-platformPythonDepends on NumPy and Matplotlib
SvgNet[16]Stereographic and Spherical ProjectionsArijit Laik[17]public domainWebAppJavaScriptDepends on JavaScript, HTML5 and SVG support in browser
OpendTect[18]Geoscience interpretation and visualizationdGB Earth SciencesGPL or customCross-platformC++Interfaces with GMT
ParaViewGeo[19]Geoscience extension of ParaView Includes readers and filtersKitwareParaView, Objectivity Originally MIRARCOBSDCross-platformC++, PythonAdds specific readers, stereo toolbar, slideshow capability and mining and geology oriented filters to Paraview
PuffinPlot[20]Paleomagnetic data visualization and analysisPontus LurcockGPL v3Cross-platformJavaDesktop GUI and Jython scripting interface.

Geographic information systems (GIS)[edit]

This important class of tools is already listed in the article List of GIS software.

Not true free and open-source projects[edit]

The following projects have unknown licensing, licenses or other conditions which place some restriction on use or redistribution, or which depend on non-open-source software like MATLAB or XVT (and therefore do not meet the Open Source Definition from the Open Source Initiative).

Sep 21, 2019  During the clean installation of Windows 7, users are usually asked to install a few drivers for the internal hard disk. These drivers should be written onto a DVD disk/ USB drive and installed when prompted. The issue here, I believe, is that you are trying to install the wrong drivers. The installation requires the internal hard disk drivers. Simple way to Install All Drivers on Windows 10/7/8/8.1 at once. Find drivers for computer is difficult so use driverpack solution to install all drivers at once. You can check out device manager update all drivers windows 10/windows 10 update drivers automatically 2018. An all-in-one utility to tweak, optimize, tune and clean up your Windows 7, it includes over thirty different utilities!Get access to hundreds of hidden options, clean registry and junk files, tune up Windows 7 boot menu and many other utilities. Aug 31, 2016  Even if you have Windows Update set to automatically download and install all important and recommended updates, you still might not be getting all of the updated drivers available for your devices. For instance, optional updates might include updated drivers that become available for hardware or devices you've already installed. Manual installation of a downloaded driver in Windows Vista or 7 When you download a driver from the Acer website that does not include an installation program, you need to install the driver manually. Install all drivers windows 7.

VGeST[21]Discontinuum modelingICL and QMULNot obviousMicrosoft WindowsC#?Previously known as VGW
Javageo[22]Multidisciplinary interpretation toolGoen GhinNot clearCross-platformJava (software platform)
Noddy[23]3D geological and geophysical modelingTectask, IUGSCustom permissive licenseMicrosoft WindowsC++Uses proprietary XVT libraries; requires (free) registration
RGeostats[24]Geostatistical R PackageDidier Renard (Mines-Paristech)LICENSECross-platformR (programming language)Free R Package
Flumy[25]Forward reservoir models for meandering channelized systemsARMINES - Mines-ParistechLICENSECross-platformC++Free demonstration version
BasinVis[26]Basin visualization of sedimentary fill and subsidenceEun Young Lee, Johannes NovotnyLICENSECross-platformMatlab
Geomodelr[27]Geological modelling from cross sectionsGeomodelr, Inc.SaaS - AGPLCross-platformPythonAllows creation of public geological models in its web platform for free and query the model with an Open Source Python Package
BGS Groundhog Desktop[28]Geological modelling from cross sectionsBritish Geological SurveyOGL - Open Government LicenceMS WindowsJavaFree to use software to digitize geological cross-sections, and display and edit borehole logs


  1. ^http://www.geostat.com/genesis/en/download.php
  2. ^http://www.geoforge.org/prt/product/gtr4oxp/gtr4oxp_about.html
  3. ^http://gstat.org
  4. ^http://gslib.com
  5. ^'opengeostat/pygslib'. GitHub. Retrieved 2016-09-09.
  6. ^http://sourceforge.net/projects/vgw/
  7. ^https://data.csiro.au/dap/landingpage?pid=csiro:10810
  8. ^http://geoblock.sourceforge.net/
  9. ^http://www.geoseis.tr.gg/
  10. ^https://github.com/Oslandia/albion
  11. ^http://oslandia.com
  12. ^http://dapple.geosoft.comArchived 2006-08-13 at the Wayback Machine
  13. ^http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu
  14. ^http://www.gplates.org
  15. ^http://www.igc.usp.br/index.php?id=openstereo
  16. ^https://svgnet.github.io
  17. ^https://github.com/arijitlaik
  18. ^http://opendtect.org
  19. ^http://paraviewgeo.objectivity.ca
  20. ^Lurcock, P. C. and G. S. Wilson (2012), PuffinPlot: A versatile, user-friendly program for paleomagnetic analysis, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13, Q06Z45, doi:10.1029/2012GC004098
  21. ^http://vgest.net
  22. ^http://javageo.com
  23. ^http://www.tectonique.net/tectask/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23
  24. ^http://cg.ensmp.fr/rgeostats
  25. ^http://cg.ensmp.fr/flumy
  26. ^http://geologist-lee.com/basinvis.html
  27. ^https://geomodelr.com
  28. ^https://www.bgs.ac.uk/research/environmentalModelling/groundhogDesktop.html
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_free_geology_software&oldid=903950936'

When an operating system such as Linux is running, there are many events happening and processes that run in the background to enable efficient and reliable use of system resources. These events may happen in system software for example the init process or user applications such as Apache, MySQL, FTP and many more.

In order to understand the state of the system and different applications and how they are working, System Administrators have to keep reviewing logfiles on daily basis in production environments. Nfs most wanted online game.

You can imagine having to review logfiles from several system areas and applications, that is where logging systems come in handy. They help to monitor, review, analyzer and even generate reports from different logfiles as configured by a System Administrator.

In this article, we shall look at the top four most used open source logging management systems in Linux today, the standard logging protocol in most if not all distributions today is syslog.

Free data logging software

1. Graylog 2

This is a fully integrated open source log management system that enables System Administrators to collect, index, and analyze both framed, systematic and disorganized data from just about any available source systems.

Graylog Linux Log Management Tool

This logging system is highly pluggable and enables centralized log management from many systems. It is integrated with external components such as MongoDB for metadata and Elasticsearch used to keep logfiles and enable text search.

Graylog 2 has the following features: Euro bus simulator 2 torrent.

  1. Ready for enterprise level production
  2. Includes a dashboard and an alerting system
  3. Can work on data from any log source
  4. Enables real time log processing
  5. Enables parsing of unstructured data
  6. Extensible and highly customizable
  7. Offers an operational data hub

For more information view the Graylog 2 website.

2. Logcheck

Logcheck is an open source log management system that helps System Administrators automatically identify unknown problems and security violations in logfiles. It periodically sends messages about the analysis results to a configured e-mail address.

Logcheck is designed as a cronjob on an hourly basis and on every system reboot by default. Three are different levels of logfile filtering are developed in this logging system which include:

  1. Paranoid: is intended for high-security systems that are running very few services as possible.
  2. Server: this is the default filtering level for logcheck and its rules are defined for many different system daemons. The rules defined under paranoid level are also included under this level.
  3. Workstation: it is for sheltered systems and helps to filter most of the messages. It also includes rules defined under paranoid and server levels.

Logcheck is also capable of sorting messages to be reported into three possible layers which include, security events, system events and system attack alerts. A System Administrator can choose the level of details to which system events are reported depending on the filtering level though this does not affect security events and system attack alerts.

Read more about it at the Development team’s logcheck website

3. Logwatch

Data Logging Software Open Source Code

Logwatch is a Linux/Unix system logfile analyzer and reporter that can be easily customized and it also allows a System Administrator to add additional plugins, create custom scripts that serve specific logging needs.

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Data Logging Software Open Source Free

What it does is to review system logfiles for a given period to time and then generates a report based on system areas that you wish to collect information from. One feature of this logging system is that it is easy to use for new System Administrator and it also works on most Linux distributions available and many Unix systems.

Visit the project homepage of Logwatch

4. Logstash

Logstash is also an open source data collection and logging system available on Linux, which capable of real-time pipelining, which was originally designed for data collection but its new versions now integrated several other capabilities such as using a wide range of input data formats, filtering and also output plugins and formats.

It can effectively unify data from various log source systems and normalize the data into targets of a System Administrators’ choice. Logstash also allows System Administrators to cleanse, compare and standardize all their logging data for distinct advanced analytics and also create visualization use cases as well.

Read more about it at Logstash website.


Data Logging Software Open Source

That is it for now and remember that these are not all the available log management systems that you can use on Linux. We shall keep reviewing and updating the list in future articles, I hope you find this article useful and you can let us know of other important logging tools or systems out there by leaving a comment.